Sunday, May 19, 2013

Glory of God is man fully alive

At the beginning of the school year, my teacher Mr. Cole asked us the question: "What does it mean to be man fully alive?" I thought I had a general idea but if he asked me I could not give him a good answer. As the school year went along, I reflected on this and learned in his class. Now I feel like I can answer this question.
What does it mean to be man fully alive? Man fully alive is someone that works his hardest at everything he does, and by working his hardest he gives glory to God. Whether it is a kid to an adult that has to work, it all applies the same. It does not matter how old or mature you are, we as humans should strive to be men fully alive. God wants us to be happy and to work. It is human nature to work and when we work hard it helps us and gives glory to God. If you work at something but do not work your hardest, you do not feel completely satisfied and you do not give glory to God because it was not your hardest. When we work our hardest, we may fail but we will get better each time we work. When we get better, it sets the bar a little bit higher on how much responsibility we have to give glory to God. A kid working his hardest gives the same amount of glory to God as a grown up working his hardest. We are all equal, and we are all called to give glory to God by working our hardest. I might of gave this answer to my teacher, but I would not understand what it really meant until I learned and learned in his class all year. Thanks Mr. Cole, I will try my hardest each and everyday, and I will try to get others to work their hardest too. Also if you want to learn more about how to man fully alive, read the book Fully Alive Action Guide: A Journey That Will Change Your Life by Ken Davis. I hear it is supposed to be a good book about this topic.

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