Friday, March 29, 2013

Gay Marriage

Right now the hot topic on the street is gay marriage. Gay marriage by definition is the "marriage between two persons of the same biological sex and/or gender identity." Right away we see problems arise as we find there is nothing more to there marriage but there own pleasure. This is due to the purpose of marriage is the joining of a man and a woman in order so that they may consummate their marriage with the possibility of new life. With the joining of two people of the same gender it is impossible for this to happen therefore it should not be considered marriage at all. This religious belief conflicts with my political belief of believing that all people should be to choose who they want to be and I couldn't see God punishing a very holy homosexual just because he was homosexual.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

In the United States, it is legal to have abortions. The Catholic Church specifically states, "The Catholic Church has always condemned abortion as a grave evil" ( But many women today have abortions because they do not want to have a baby. Abortions kill babies that are in the womb, and the women that have abortions, have an abortion because it is a part of their rights in the United States. But what about the babies rights? Shouldn't they be allowed to live? Abortions do not just end pregnancy but they kill life. Therefore, I believe that abortions should be made illegal. If a young women gets pregnant and does not want to have to care for a baby, they should put the baby up for adoption. Babies should have rights too...

The new Pope

Recently a new pope was elected: Pope Francis I. Before choosing his new name, his name was Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He was the cardinal for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Bergoglio is known for his humility and strong virtues of helping the poor. Francis I is also a Jesuit. This is especially an astounding thing for me and my school because we go to a JESUIT school. I think Pope Francis I is going to be a great pope. Already, he is doing things very differently in the church; he isn't going to live in the Pope's quarters of the Vatican but rather in the guest house. He has constantly been emphasizing his strong desire to help the poor (which is the reason he chose the name Francis) and to spread the faith. I think Frances I will bring the church to a new level and do a great job of spreading the faith across the world.

Here is the link to the Pope's full mass: 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How do you know God exists?

Here is a basic yet huge question in the Catholic faith. First of all, every Catholic must have faith that God exists, but if faith is not enough, St Thomas Aquinas has made 5 reasons for why he believes God exists. First, the argument for motion. Nothing can move by itself; there is always a first mover. This can also be made clearer by Newton's law: an object in motion remains in motion and an object in rest remains in rest unless acted on by an outside force. So in the beginning, everything was motionless until it was acted on by an outside force (God). Secondly, there is efficient causes. This tells us/points out to us that nothing exists prior to itself. I wouldnt exist without my parents, they wouldnt exist without theirs, and this continues up to the first people on earth. Then they could be argued to have developed on their own, but now where did the world come from? That could be argued to have come from the big bang, but if the big bang was true then what created the particles and bits of matter that were necessary for the big bang to take place? Everything came from something else. Thirdly is the Argument from Possibility and Necessity. "Since objects are countable, the objects in the universe are finite in number. If, for all existent objects, they do not exist at some time, then, given infinite time, there would be nothing in existence. (Nothing can come from nothing—there is no creation for individual existent objects." This pretty much explains that if everything in the world is finite, then there is a chance that nothing would exist at one time, and if nothing exists at one time then nothing can be created out of nothing. Fourth, Argument from Gradation of Being proves the existence of God. "There is a gradation to be found in things [where] some [things] are better or worse than others. Therefore there must also be something which is to all beings the cause of their being, goodness, and every other perfection; and this we call God." Since everything in life that we characterize is based on the perfect example of that characterization, then there must be something that perfectly characterizes love or happiness, which ultimately can only be God. Fifth is the argument of design, which says that "We see that natural bodies work toward some goal, and do not do so by chance.Most natural things lack knowledge.  But as an arrow reaches its target because it is directed by an archer, what lacks intelligence achieves goals by being directed by something intelligence.Therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God."
My brother and I are making a blog that addresses our questions about the Church. Our blog will broadly cover how to live a holy life according to the Catholic Faith. We also plan on incorporating new or interesting news about the Catholic Church today or how we feel about actions happening around the world.