Sunday, April 14, 2013

Salvation is what now?? (Protestantism vs. Catholicism)

Protestants and Catholics believe many similar and different things. One different thing is their views on salvation and how we are saved. Catholics believe that we are saved through our own personal effort to remain in a state of grace with God by receiving his grace in the seven sacraments. But before we receive the sacraments, we must be baptized in order to wash away the effects of Original Sin. Also, Jesus needed to come in order to provide the expiation necessary to rebuild the bond between us and God before we would be allowed to lead our salvation ourselves. Now, because of the Reformation centuries ago, Protestants believe that it is possible to be saved by faith alone. They believe that just by believing in God and all that he has taught, you can be saved. I never really understood how people believed that because by believing in God and all he has taught you would also have to follow those beliefs with meritorious works and actions otherwise you would be a hippocrates. And if you are a hippocrate, then you do not fully believe all revelation that God has revealed. Similarly, both protestants and Catholics believe that it is possible for those who do not know about Christ to go to heaven.

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