Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Which of the four marks of the Church seems the greatest or most important and why?

I think the most important mark of the Church is that the church is one. If the church wasn’t one then there would be many different beliefs and no one would believe the same thing; in a sense, our faith wouldn’t really exist. Holiness may be very important in the Church but if the church was not one, then other beliefs could contradict that the Church is or isn’t holy in the first place. Apostolic is also very important in the Church because without it, the Church could not consider itself descending from the teachings of Christ or consider itself correct about theological teachings in the Church. One is more important than apostolic because without the oneness, the apostles could have spread non-unified or false teachings that would confused the Church’s followers. The Church is kept together as one primarily because of the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Oneness is also more important than catholic. You can see from the Old Testament that God started with a small group of people and gradually elevated the number of people he guided and taught with time. So if the Church was not universal, then God would be working through a select few of people until it became universal. But it could not become universal without the oneness of the teachings and the faith because if it spreaded non-unified, then many other religions would form that were not completely similar the beliefs of the Catholic Church.

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