Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Church loves, welcomes, and respects the person but not their actions

The Catholic Church does not hate on people who are gay or go against them as a person, the Church only does not like the act that they do. As the quote says, "Be yourself and the right people will love the real you." Be yourself, the Catholic Church will always love you no matter what you do, they may not like your actions but the Church will always love you. If someone is gay or lesbian, the Church will love them, welcome them, and respect them but they may ask for them to change to the way God wanted but they do not hate you for being that way.
Another example of this is that if you have sex before marriage. The Church will never stop loving, welcoming, and respecting you but they will ask for you to repent and to change your ways. Even if you were Catholic and then changed your religion, the Catholic Church will be sad you left but they will never stop loving, welcoming, and respecting you. When you finally come back to the Catholic Church, they will be overjoyed but they will not think of you any differently than before. Therefore, the Church will always love, welcome, and respect you and they will never stop but they will want you to change your actions.

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